Vol. 30-31/2021-2022 Nr 60
okładka czasopisma Child Neurology
powiększenie okładki
Informacje o Pismie


Pismo Polskiego Towarzystwa Neurologów Dziecięcych

PL ISSN 1230-3690
e-ISSN 2451-1897
DOI 10.20966


Journal of the Polish Society of Child Neurologists

PL ISSN 1230-3690, e-ISSN 2451-1897, DOI: 10.20966


Mailing address: Katedra i Klinika Neurologii Wieku Rozwojowego, Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, ul. Przybyszewskiego 49, 60-355 Poznań,
tel. +48 61 869 12 55; fax: + 48 61 869 15 53.
Webpage: http://www.child-neurology.eu
e-mail: neurdziec@ump.edu.pl
"Child Neurology" is also fully available online.

Members of the Polish Society of Child Neurologists receive the Journal in the context of paid membership fees.
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"Child Neurology" complies with all ethical principles generally accepted in the scientific journals. The Editors reserve the right to request explanations from the first author.

The Journal is owned by the Polish Society of Child Neurologists. Publisher acts on behalf of the Polish Society of Child Neurologists: Publisher BiFolium, 20-050 Lublin, Lipniak 28D,
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e-mail: info@bifolium.pl


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Copyright © 2017 by Polskie Towarzystwo Neurologów Dziecięcych